Gavin Brown will soon increase its exhibition space and add to its cool factor by taking over the lease from Pat La Frieda Wholesale Meats.

Gavin Brown’s Enterprise will move into the plant in the meatpacking district in May. Its first exhibition “Go Vegan!” will address food issues including vegetarianism.

Yes: it’s a simple gentle irony, not as exciting as, say, having Urs Fischer tear your floors out.


Twitter was all a-tweet this morning with the news that PaceWildenstein is breaking up. @nytimesarts Inside Art link:


RT @TheArtNewspaper EXCLUSIVE REPORT: Saatchi vs Banksy for most visited UK show in our annual attendance survey


RT @laughingsquid  Seven on Seven, event connecting art & technology organized by @rhizomedotorg, takes place 4/17 at @newmuseumin in NYC

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